Wow Patch Beta Notes
Wow Patch Beta Notes

Wow Patch Beta Notes

  • Fixed an issue that cause Draenei mailboxes to be useable by the Horde.
  • Fixed a n issue that caused temporary enchants to not work with.
  • Captain Bok’ar’s Furious Rage will now stun himself rather than his target.
  • Fixed several building mouse-over tooltips.
  • Undercity is no longer missing the doors on the elevators.
  • Fixed several creatures and NPCs that were falling through the ground.
  • The Burning Crusade background art when selecting a realm will no longer glow as brightly with the full-screen glow effect on.
  • The Hunter ability Mend Pet icon will now turn red when you are out of range of your pet.
  • Players on your ignore list will no longer be automatically added to a group when using the LFG system.
  • Corrected some graphical errors with the LFG system menus.
  • Players will now receive a timeout message when a group leader switches their instance preference.
  • Arena games will no longer end as soon as they start.
  • The mini map will no longer switch off and on when events occur in.
  • Added new quests in Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch for level 60+.
  • Draenei shaman totems have been updated.
  • Various Exodar NPCs have been properly flagged for PvP.
  • The Giants in Outland are now properly itemized.
  • Non-expansion guards now give directions to expansion Shaman and Paladin trainers.
  • Added a new Alliance base and flight path to Hellfire Peninsula.
  • Added meeting stones to the new dungeons.
  • Added a new flight path to Swamprat Post in Zangarmarsh.
  • Added a Horde Graveyard to southern Hellfire Peninsula.
  • World of Warcraft Beta Patch 5991 to 6022 | 16:26:59 UTC Here are the latest Burning Crusade Beta patch notes, taken from the Beta Forum.

    Wow Patch Beta Notes