September 2022
27 September 2022 - 19:09
Wow Patch Beta Notes
Fixed an issue that cause Draenei mailboxes to be useable by the Horde.
Fixed a n issue that caused temporary enchants to not work with.
Captain Bok’ar’s Furious Rage will now stun himself rather than his target.
Fixed several building mouse-over tooltips.
Undercity is no longer missing the doors on the elevators.
Fixed several creatures and NPCs that were falling through the ground.
The Burning Crusade background art when selecting a realm will no longer glow as brightly with the full-screen glow effect on.
The Hunter ability Mend Pet icon will now turn red when you are out of range of your pet.
Players on your ignore list will no longer be automatically added to a group when using the LFG system.
Corrected some graphical errors with the LFG system menus.
Players will now receive a timeout message when a group leader switches their instance preference.
Arena games will no longer end as soon as they start.
The mini map will no longer switch off and on when events occur in.
Added new quests in Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch for level 60+.
Draenei shaman totems have been updated.
Various Exodar NPCs have been properly flagged for PvP.
The Giants in Outland are now properly itemized.
Non-expansion guards now give directions to expansion Shaman and Paladin trainers.
Added a new Alliance base and flight path to Hellfire Peninsula.
Added meeting stones to the new dungeons.
Added a new flight path to Swamprat Post in Zangarmarsh.
Added a Horde Graveyard to southern Hellfire Peninsula.
World of Warcraft Beta Patch 5991 to 6022 | 16:26:59 UTC Here are the latest Burning Crusade Beta patch notes, taken from the Beta Forum.
Om Mig: